Colleges of Education Prospectus for 2022/2023

There are several things that new students are expected to bring along with them once they have been admitted to their selected college of study and have completed all admission processes. Find below the colleges of education prospectus for 2022/2023 academic year.

You can find a comprehensive list of the necessary items new students are expected to bring with them when reporting to the institution in the prospectus or kit list.

This is crucial because there are a few small details that can make sure that students are comfortable during their stay on campus. Please see the College of Education Prospectus for the academic year 2022/2023 academic year below.

Colleges of Education Prospectus for 2022/2023

There is essential information you need to know about the prospectus. The listed items below are necessary and are needed in all colleges. But there are other items that are attached to your admission letters but are not enumerated below.

Aside from the items below, teacher trainees can choose to go with any other material item that will be beneficial to them in terms of academic and general college life.

General – For All Students

  • White Bed Sheets
  • Pillows
  • White Pillow Cases
  • Buckets
  • Plates
  • Drinking Cups
  • Cutlery Set
  • Mathematical Set

The Men Outfit

  • Pairs of Khaki Trousers
  • Shirts (Long-sleeves)
  • Pair of Trousers
  • Shirts
  • Pair Black/Brown Shoes
  • Pair Cross Sandals
  • Black/Brown Belt
  • Pair Of Shoes

NOTE: The color depends on the college you attend

College Outfit – Uniform for Ladies

  • Frock (Khaki)
  • Skirt (Khaki)
  • Long-sleeves Shirt
  • Check dresses (Blue)
  • Blouses (White)
  • Skirt (Gathers)
  • Pair Black/Brown Shoes

NOTE: The color depends on the college you attend

Physical Education or Sports Outfit 

  • Decent Sport top and down
  • A Pair of canvas

NOTE: Mattresses will be provided to students.

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