Operation Feed Yourself in Colleges Likely Not To Happen

By | November 6, 2022

Operation Feed Yourself in Colleges Likely Not To Happen: PRINCOF on 31st October 2022 issued a statement requesting approval to allow teacher trainees to feed themselves based on the reasons they enumerated.

They believed that they have done enough and can no more afford to feed college students as the country is not in normal times. This is due to the high inflation rate on foodstuffs in the market.

It is a result of high debt on the schools and the current increase in prices of foodstuffs which PRINCOF thinks can no more handle. For months now, Principals take foodstuffs from suppliers and hoping to pay later.

The suppliers of food to colleges of education have come to the conclusion that they are not giving any foodstuff out unless it is paid for. This has made PRINCOF take this decision as they don’t have enough money to continue feeding.

Operation Feed Yourself in Colleges Likely Not To Happen

On 1st November 2022, TTAG issued a statement on the current ongoing issue. Below is the full excerpt from the letter.

The leadership has taken due cognizance of the release from the outfit of the National Conference of Principals of Colleges of Education (PRINCOF) dated 31st October 2022 referenced PS/CoE31/22 on the above subject.

Without mincing words, we, the TTAG would want to state that, the feeding of teacher trainees should continue unabatedly.

It is imperative to add that the leadership has fervently, in the past and presently tabled before the actors for and on behalf of the government as well as other stakeholders on the dire need for an upward review and the consistent release of the feeding fee to the colleges of education, especially in these times of hikes in prices of food items.

We wish to appeal to the Ministry of Education and GTEC as well as our other stakeholders to expedite steps in addressing this issue and subsequently the release of funds for the payment of outstanding months of trainees’ allowances.

Consequently, as a leader who is willful and ever ready to champion the interest of student teachers, we want to entreat our dear constituents to exercise calm as we actively engage stakeholders on this for a soothing headway to prevent the obstruction of academic work and subsequently the academic calendar of colleges of education.

TTAG Statement

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