Update on Migration of CETAG Staff Onto University Structure

By | August 16, 2024

Update on Migration of CETAG Staff Onto University Structure

It has been exactly two months yesterday since CETAG declared an indefinite destiny strike demanding their employer to honor his part of the arbitration awards by the NLC.

Several engagements have been made with stakeholders and CETAG is yet to find relief in all those engagements. Among what they demand is getting the same taste as their colleagues in the universities.

>>>>> Role of Teacher Trainees in CETAG Strike Action – Complete Guide <<<<<

Update on Migration of CETAG Staff Onto University Structure

In recent development, CETAG had a meeting with PRINCOF and GTEC to update them on the progress of the migration onto the university structure as they have demanded.

Below are the keynotes to take as far as the process of migration is concerned.

  • The Technical Committee tasked with the responsibility of the migration met with representatives from UCC, PRINCOF, CETAG, and CENTSAG for briefing and updates on work progress. CENTSAG was represented by the Ag. President, Secretary, and Organiser.
  • The migration is being carried out based on the qualifying criteria of the affiliate Universities by using the scheme of service and statute.
  • Colleges have been put into clusters based on affiliation and are treated as Faculties.
  • There will be one grade structure for all staff in the Colleges.
  • The staff audit forms the basis of the migration exercise.
  • The current terminology (i.e. principal, tutor, secretary, finance, accountant, etc. ) shall be maintained but salary shall be equivalent to the analogous grades at the University.
  • There will be a mapping of grade structure with the affiliate University.
  • Nobody will be worse off. Even where conversion difference applies, this shall not affect one’s pension.
  • After migration promotions to the next grade will be done by the affiliate University based on their scheme.
  • The Committee is almost done with the migration of UCC-affiliated colleges.
  • Colleges affiliated with the University of Ghana shall follow after they are done with UCC-affiliated colleges.
  • In rare situations where a grade at the College doesn’t exist at the University, transitional grades have been developed with the creation of a career path for the purposes of progression.
  • The Team has been given 36 days to complete the task and they assured us that they will work within the stipulated time.
  • The Team shall take into consideration the updated data recently solicited in the colleges. Colleges yet to submit such data should do so without any further delay.
  • Please be reminded that first-degree holders will constitute senior staff whilst second-degree holders and professionals in their various areas will constitute senior members. Other members will constitute junior staff.
  • Regardless of qualifications, each and everyone shall be placed based on the existing scheme of the affiliate University.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, the migration exercise has just begun and as a result, there is no finished product. Everything reported is a work in progress.
  • We shall reconvene for an update when migration for colleges affiliated with the University of Ghana is done.

NOTE: It is important to note that the outcome of this meeting with GTEC and PRINCOF did not make CETAG make a decision to call off the strike or not.

Hence strike still continues.

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